Sunday, February 28, 2010

Great Expectations

What we expect from life is what we usually get!

Dare to have great expectations--for your life and your church-- as you serve a great God.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Be Healthy!

Want to be a healthy church?

Build your church upon its God-given mandate. Renew yourself as a church by regularly revisiting and redreaming that dream!

Friday, February 26, 2010

What (and Who) Do You Know?

What does God really want us to do?
  • Know the Person (Jesus Christ)
  • Know your purpose (God has a purpose for your life)
  • Know His power (Resurrection power)
  • Know His plan (the local church)

Check it out (Eph. 1:15ff)! Dream it! Live it!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Whose dream is it anyway?

Henry Blackaby tells us that we don't dream our dreams for what we want to do for God; He (God) sets the directions that He is going and reveals them to us.

Proverbs 29:18 talks of perishing without vision. I recently heard that verse paraphrased this way: "When God's people don't have a clear word from Him, they do what is right in their own eyes!"

Wow! We, as God's people, need a clear word from Him. Dare to dream God-sized and God-breathed dreams!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dream vs. Doubt

Would you rather dream or doubt?

If we really believe that God is able (and He is), we will dream God-sized dreams and then live them out.

Dreaming churches plan and take action; doubting churches solve problems.

Your church can be a dreaming church!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Contrary to the popular belief, the answer to "Why?" is not "just because."

Why should we dare to dream new dreams for our churches? One friend put it this way:"The future is not what it used to be. The thinking that got us to where we are today will not take us to where we need to be tomorrow. Effective ministry now and in the future must change; we must move to a different mindset."

Why? Because people need the Lord.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Your Unique Ministry Dream

Where are you as a church headed?Dunno!

Sound familiar?

Dare to dream!

No church can effectively minister until it identifies its unique ministry dream/ mandate from God...and lives it out.

Where is God working in your ministry context? Will you join Him?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Change or Die

Our world is changing exponentially. Our message does not change, but often our methods must.

A simple (yet impacting) statement: to sit still is to die!

Friday, February 19, 2010

How Big is Your Dream?

I heard a church growth consultant once say that a healthy church lives out of a healthy dream. How true!

God's health plan is for his church to grow spiritually and numerically. Small expectations yield small results. However, God's plan for churches (when actualized) produce magnificent results.

What are you and your church dreaming?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

God has a Plan

Revitalization. New life. New energy. Renewal.

Sounds good, doesn't it?

How can this happen in your church? Some would say change your policies--change the way you do things. Others might say change your personnel. Still others might say change your organization.

I would say that the better approach would be to revisit and define (or redefine) your purpose. Redream the dream. Dare to dream God-sized dreams. Seeking God and His mandate for your church for 2010 and beyond will yield great benefits. Implementing action plans to reach that mandate will produce results beyond your wildest imagination.

Easy? No. But when God reveals His plan, He stands ready with the tools to accomplish it.